Patient Satisfaction


Patient Satisfaction Literature

(104) Tzeng HM, Yin CY. Patient satisfaction versus quality. Nursing Ethics. 2008: 15(1) 121-124.

PMID: 18096587


  • “The concepts of patient satisfaction and quality of care may be in opposition to each other.”
  • The healthcare market should not be made consumer driven
  • There is an ethical dilemma when weighing cost containment vs. administration of quality care.

Significance to Literature:

Written from a nursing perspective.


(347) Tajeu GS, Kazley AS, Menachemi N. Do hospitals that do the right thing have more satisfied patients? Health Care Management Review. 2015 Oct-Dec;40(4):348-55. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000034.

PMID: 26352400


  • Patient satisfaction and process quality often tied to reimbursement
  • Linked the Hospital Compare data set and the American Hospital Association Annual Survey of Hospitals (AHA) from 2009-2011 to determine if patient satisfaction is associated with process quality
  • Hospital-level process quality was measured using heart-failure, acute myocardial infarction, and pneumonia treatment

Significance to Literature:

Results indicate a positive association between hospital process quality and patient satisfaction


(355) Saint-Lary 0 et al. Patients’ views on pay for performance in France: a qualitative study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice. 2015 Aug;65(637):e552-9. doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X686149.

PMID: 26212852


  • Evaluation patients’ experience with pay-for-performance healthcare via interview of 40 French primary care patients in 2013.
  • Most patients did not know what pay-for-performance was and had not noticed any change in their medical care since implementation
  • Patients expressed possible benefits such as improvement in follow-up and prevention as well as possible negatives such as depersonalized healthcare.

Significance to Literature:

Qualitative assessment of French primary care patients views on pay-for-performance.


(363) Chiu et al. Patient assessment of diabetes care in a pay-for-performance program. Int J Qual Health Care. 2016 Apr;28(2):183-90. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzv120. Epub 2016 Jan 26.\

PMID: 26819445


  • Examination of patient perception of diabetes chronic care between those enrolled and not enrolled in a P4P program across 18 healthcare institutions in Taiwan
  • The Chinese version of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC), as well as five subscales, was measured and clinical outcome data was collected
  • Subscales included patient activation, delivery system design/system support, goal setting/tailoring, problem solving/contextual, and follow-up coordination
  • Patients enrolled in P4P programs had higher overall PACIC scores, including on each of the five subscales, as well as better clinical processes of care and intermediate outcomes

Significance to Literature:

P4P programs may result in more patient-centered care, and better perception of care is associated with better clinical processes and outcomes